SpaceLogo Sciences Participating with Arts & Culture in Education

Module 2 of 9   1 2 3 4

Submitting your writing to the SPACE website

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I want to submit a written reflection on a SPACE activity

Please read through the guidelines below carefully.

If you are enrolled in the SPACE Arts and Sciences certificate, you are likely participating in one or more SPACE activities (event, outing, conference, talk, etc.).

SPACE may suggest specific exercises to help you to:

  • prepare for the activity beforehand
  • reflect on it afterward
  • use the activity as a stepping stone for further exploration

Click here to download notetaking sheets designed to support these exercises, helping you to collect information before the activity and record your thoughts during it.

Keeping track of your research and ideas will be useful when it comes to writing a reflection on the activity for the SPACE website.


Writing your SPACE activity reflection

If you received guidelines from SPACE on how to organize your reflection, please follow those instructions.

If you have not received guidelines, you can use the following template to help you structure a written reflection.

Reflections should be between 250-1000 words.

Please review the following checklist to help ensure your written reflection is as accessible, engaging and well-written as you can make it and that it includes all the elements necessary for publication.

If SPACE provided a form for your specific activity, please use that form to submit your activity reflection. Otherwise, you can submit your reflection through the Submissions Portal.

Below are a few examples of previously published SPACE activity reflections:

Reflection on a science-related exhibition in Montreal: The INFINITE:A Unique View of Space

Reflections on museum exhibitions in Montreal:

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