SPACE365: Make Things That Matter is a complementary course offered as an INTENSIVE in the Winter 2025 semester, open to all students. Students create self-directed projects generated from their own interests and activities or from a list of activities taking place in the 2024-2025 academic year. The course also links to SPACE co-curricular activities.
The intensive course framework will allow students to fulfill additional requirements of the SPACE certificate.
Winter 2025 pre-semester dates: January 7,9,10,13,15,17
The SPACE Certificate will guide students in making connections across the arts and sciences, in particular in understanding issues, concepts and experiences contextually and in applying their knowledge and skills through the development of interdisciplinary creative and/or technical projects, activities and presentations.
Students who complete the SPACE: Arts and Sciences Certificate will have the opportunity to:
Students must fulfill the following THREE major requirements to complete the SPACE certificate:
Updated information about ongoing SPACE Learning Community activities, coursework, and capstone project options for certificate students will be found at the linked entries below.
To enroll follow these steps:
Find out what activities are taking place during the Winter 2025 semester. The list of activities will be updated throughout the semester.
The current list of courses cross-listed with the SPACE certificate in Winter 2025. These may be updated throughout the winter semester.
At this informal meeting, explore a range of possible projects to get involved with or do independently. Followed by an screening of Bladerunner for the Intelligence theme.
Information for any student interested in participating in this year’s McGill Physics Hackathon.
Student reflection opportunity for the Coded Dreams AI exhibit at the Phi Centre.
Find out what activities are taking place during the Fall 2024 semester. The list of activities will be updated throughout the semester.
Completing a SPACE independent capstone project: final reflection instructions.
In a first workshop students will be introduced to the basics of the Arduino platform for STEAM projects. Opportunities for internships on an application basis for the Winter 2025 will be announced.
Visit the SPACE table in the Upper/Lower Atrium on Certificates Day, Wednesday, November 6, 2024.
Volunteer to help out with Dawson's Certficate Day. Promote the SPACE certificate and interact with your peers for 2 credits.
Join the Mission Space Lab: Design an Experiment for the International Space Station! Starting in November, 2024.
Join the 2024 NASA Space Apps Challenge, the largest annual global hackathon on October 5-6!
DiscoverSPACE day provides an overview of SPACE activities and opportunities for 2024-2025. Students will be encouraged to enroll in the certificate.
A visit to Concordia Unversity's 4TH SPACE for an interactive exhibition: 17 Stations. An experimental audio-visual experience exploring SDGs
Volunteer to help out with Dawson's Certficate Day. Promote the SPACE certificate and interact with your peers for 2 credits.
Visit the SPACE table in the Upper/Lower Atrium on Certificates Day, Wednesday, November 8, 2023.
A visit to the Phi Centre for a VR experience: The Infinite. "As close to space as you can get."
Phi Foundation outing: Terms of Use exhibition