SpaceLogo Sciences Participating with Arts & Culture in Education

January 14, 2025

Cross-Listed Courses for Winter 2025

The following is the current list of courses cross-listed with the SPACE certificate in Winter 2025. The list may be updated throughout the winter semester.

Science and technology: intro to the science of physics : Astronomy ; ( 203-BWT-03 section 1); Rim Dib

Astrophysics; (203-BZA-05 sections 1, 2); Rim Dib

Engineering Physics; (203-BZE-05 sections 1, 2); Manuel Toharia Zapata

Intro to Research in Brain Imaging; (203-ZT-DW section 1); Hélène Nadeau

Electricity and Magnetism; (203-NYB-05 section 1); Nadim Boukhira

Physical Geology; (205-BZG-05 sections 1, 2); Adamo Petosa

Natural Environment; (320-A06-DW section 1); Sara Cameron

Egypt, Greece and Rome; (332-1N1-DW section1); Jiri Tucker

World Views; (345-102-MQ sections 3, 24); Gregory Polakoff

Understanding Culture Through Artworks and Artifacts; (345-102-MQ sections13, 22); Beverly Sing

World Views : Creative Resistance and Social Change ; ( 345-102-MQ section 31); Pat Romano

Investigating Story Value(s); (345-BXH-DW section 12001); Gray Miles

Applied Ethics in Humanities : Science Fiction and Ethics; ( 345-BXH-DW  sections 15, 24); Gregory Polakoff

Applied Ethics in Humanities : Moral Issues in Law; (345-BXH-DW section 32); Robert Stephens

Introduction to Research in Neuroscience;  (365-BXP-DW section 1); Hélène Nadeau

SPACE: Make Things That Matter; (365-BXP-DW section 2); Joel trudeau

Introduction to Anthropology; (381-1N1-DW sections 5, 6); Katarzyna Wolfson

Material Culture in the Digital Age; (381-A03-DW section 1); Verity Whalen

Introduction to Arts and Culture; (502-113-DW section 1); Justine McLellan

Cinema and Media History; (530-213-DW section 2); Reisa Levine

Media Lab; (530-413-DW section 1); Reisa Levine

Voice and Speech 4; (561-423-DW sections 1, 2); Elissa Bernstein, Matt Holland

Technical Illustration 2; (574-263-DW sections 1, 2); Mark Sy

 Design Concepts for Illustration 4; (574-454-DW sections 1, 2); Maia Faddoul

The Art of Physical Computing; (584-413-DW section 1); Bérengère Marin Dubuard

Systems, Modeling and Creative Computation; (585-211-DW section2); John Connolly

Integrating Activity (IA); (585-498-DW section1); Bérengère Marin Dubuard

Interactive Arts: Local to Global; (585-917-DW section1); Bérengère Marin Dubuard

Tangible Media: Making Things Interactive; (585-923-DW section 1); John Connolly

Nurturing Nature; (603-103-MQ section 4); Wendy Thatcher

Food for Thought: From Farm to Table; (603-BXE-DW sections 3, 5); Wendy Thatcher

Applied Themes in English : Robot Visions in Fiction and Beyond ; (603-BXE-DW sections 11, 12); Ursula Misztal

Investigating Story Value(s); (603-BXE-DW section 12001); Andrew Katz


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