The third iteration of this crossover endeavour between the Studio Voice class in the Professional Theatre Department and SPACE, under the auspices of Arts and Science, was another success.
By Matt Holland
What if the way we play growing up has a profound shaping influence on our lives?
What if the human species took more responsibility for its role in the Sixth Extinction?
The negative impact of technology in E.M. Forster’s short story “The Machine Stops”.
Chemistry lyrics music video.
A very short comic story with chemistry notions.
Nicholas Party’s L’Heure Mauve Exhibition, Montreal Museum of Fine Arts – Reflection
Find your flow (spoken word poem)
Testing to learn vs. learning to test (article)
What if humans needed to develop bases deep, deep in the ocean? This vivid work of science fiction prototyping envisions that future.
The doom narrative, if believed by too many, could hinder the progress we must make towards a healthier planet earth.
Episode 3 for SPACEpod, a podcast that brings together Dawson College students from the Arts and Sciences to interview guests about complex...
Prototypes and reflections on illustrations for the 2022/2023 What If? theme poster.
Student readings (Studio Voice class, Professional Theatre Department).