Irene Ogrizek captures the sentiment of a town only three after a train devestates a town.
I went to South Africa immediately after I graduated from Dawson to WWOOF in the little Karoo.
An appreciation of the often overlooked astronomical phenomenon that is twilight.
Frank Mulvey, artist in the Fine Arts Despartment of Dawson College, explains how he developed the drawing entitled Emissaries with both traditional and digital media and techniques.
Should special needs children be taught in a separate classroom, such as a Snoezelen room?
Time has this ability to show the vulnerability in what it gradually consumes.- Osheen Harruthoonyan
A misguided odyssey through love.
Healing and moving on in collisions of the heart.
Photography buffs: HDRI is a great alternative to using filters, allowing for images with vivid color and effective brightness.
Depression is an internal war, a complex collision between the search for familiarity in happiness and the overpowering pain.
You cling desperately to the mast of your mind as the world around you comes crashing spectacularly to pieces.
The collision between a broken, suicidal mind and a heart’s undying love for everything around it.
When travelling along unknown paths of life, beware of collisions between dreams & reality.
We are in the dark about what we are eating.
Meet two mothers: a human and a pig. Both are animals on earth, but who has the better life?
diasporic generational disconnect, or letter to an aunt i misunderstood until a week before her passing.
Collisions of attachement and detachment.
In an office space, no one can hear you scream.
Two men contemplate the circuitous nature of human existence.
As an interplanetary journalist, I was sent to planet Ert to report on their culture. Little did I know that I would make the strangest discovery...
As society modernizes, a robot from a simpler time struggles to understand the changes all around him.
The poetic ash of a winter in Montreal.
dark ebony slam
"The days of nonviolent struggle were over." Nelson Mandela.
Juan L. Gomez-Perales has created a kinetic piece Princess and the P that references an artwork invisible to us. See this piece in the Fine Arts Faculty Biennial 11 exhibition at Dawson College in the Warren G. Flowers Art Gallery.
The nightmarish tale of Isobel, a nine-year-old Portuguese immigrant in Toronto, is trapped in a purgatorial ghost-like state ....