SpaceLogo Sciences Participating with Arts & Culture in Education

  • Note: Modules 1-3  for faculty 

Guest lecture 

Reach out to contacts 

  • Brainstorm ideas of specialists in the field who may be interested in giving a guest lecture to your students about the topic.  
  • You could contact someone who works at the institution that you are visiting for this (It could be a curator, an educator, or another museum professional involved in the exhibition)
  • It could be an artist, a gallerist, a researcher or a university professor who does work around the theme that you are exploring 
  • Speak to colleagues and see what you can come up with! 



  • A guest lecturer generally gets paid $200 for a one-hour talk. If the guest lecturer is speaking to more than one class, $300 can be arranged. Speak to the Chair of your Department to see if funding is available. 
  • You will need to fill out some forms to arrange for payment of your guest lecturer which can be accessed here:  https://www.dawsoncollege.qc.ca/online-forms 
  • The forms that you need are called “Cheque Requisition form” and “Creation of Honoraria Supplier form” 


Examples of guest lectures from Winter 2022

1. A guest lecture by artist Karen Tam

  • Karen Tam is a Dawson alumnus whose work is presented in The Arts of One World exhibition
  • Karen Tam is a curator and an interdisciplinary artist who is interested in exploring ideas around authenticity, history, narrative, and the Chinese diaspora in her sculptural and installation works. Karen’s career has spanned over a twenty-year period and taken her around the world.
  • Karen’s series, Castiglione's Insect Mimics, 2014 – 2017, is exhibited in the Arts of One World exhibition at The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts. As part of her talk, she will be touching on the intersections that she faces in her work.
  • https://www.karentam.ca/sculpture.html
  • https://www.mbam.qc.ca/en/news/impressions-artist-residency-2021-2022/


2. Kim Johnson

  • Kim Johnson, from the PHI Foundation for Contemporary Art, gave a guest lecture about the current exhibition: Stan Douglas: Revealing Narratives
  • This talk is in conjunction with the SPACE sponsored ScienceFest Photo competition
  • Kim will also discuss the intersections apparent in Douglas’ work
  • Stan Douglas, an acclaimed Canadian contemporary artist, works with photography, and film and video installation. His work at the PHI Foundation explores themes such as the power of the photographic image, and moments of transition and rupture in history.
  • PHI Foundation

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