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Note: Modules 1-3  for faculty 

A Reflective Response assignment  


  • While visiting the exhibition on your own (before bringing your students), brainstorm ways in which the students may respond to the exhibition while considering the theme that you are working toward, or the final project that you are building up to. 

  • What are some ideas that you would like your students to explore? How might you best encourage them to think deeply about the artwork that they are seeing and make connections to what they are exploring in class? 

Create your assignment 

  • You can think of asking specific questions about selected work, OR you can keep it more open and personal for each student. 

  • You can post the assignment on Lea ahead of time so that students can consult it to get an idea of what they will be doing during the outing. It is always a good idea to bring printed copies on the day of the outing as well! 

  • See example below of a reflective response assignment linked to the Arts of One World exhibition at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, as well as some examples of student work. Very inspiring! 


Example from Winter 2022: Reflective Response to the Arts of One World exhibition at The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts


Visual Arts: Baroque to the 20th Century
520-BWA-03 02
Amanda Beattie


Reflective Response (10%)

For this reflective response, select two works from our visit to the Arts of One World exhibition at The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts.

Discuss the intersections that you see between your chosen works. In what ways are they similar; what unites them? Some areas to consider might be timeframe, geographical location, style or subject matter. Discuss the ways that your two works speak to each other from your perspective.

As an introduction to this reflection, provide a brief visual analysis of the works, making sure to reference formal elements such as line, colour, form and composition (where applicable). You can refer to the Powerpoint from Lecture 1 posted on Lea to remind yourself of some vocabulary associated with a visual (also called formal) analysis.

Explain why you chose to discuss these particular works. What drew you to them?


Style Guidelines:
2 pages, typed, double-spaced (roughly 500 words)
Arial, 11 pt. font
Name, Course Name and Number, and Submission Date, on top left corner of first page.
Provide an image of your chosen artworks, and include the artist, title and date of the works.


Thursday, February 24, 2022



This is not a research assignment, but you will likely refer to the wall text which will give you some information about your chosen works. If this is the case, you muse cite the source in a Work Cited at the end of your response, using the following style guideline: https://style.mla.org/citing-wall-text/


Don’t forget to also cite your source in parenthetical references in your response as well, whenever you use information from that source, following this style guideline (see page 1, #6):

For the wall text, you can simply write: (artist name, wall text).


Grading Criteria:

* Please note this assessment will be graded out of 20, but is only worth 10% of your overall grade

Visual Analysis                       / 5
Discussion of intersections     / 5
Why you chose these works    / 5
Adherence to word count and presentation; clarity of writing and expression, image and citation   / 5


Student Examples:

  • A selection of student responses were published on the SPACE website in a section called SPACEreviews. They worked hard editing their texts in preparation, and will be able to include the publication on their CVs.

Intersections in Visual Arts
Intersections: Re


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