SpaceLogo Sciences Participating with Arts & Culture in Education

Module 1 of 10   1 2 3

Exploratory Workshops: Think, Talk, Make!

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Workshop 1: Introductory interview with a twist (discussion) 

This activity encourages active listening skills, a one-on-one exchange promoting empathy and trust, and the ability to describe past experiences and current thoughts. 

General instructions:

  1. Interview a classmate following a list of questions (and feel free to add your own). 
  2. Questions vary and include some serious (ie, who has had the biggest impact on you as a person and why) and some whimsical (ie, describe the most ridiculous socks that you own). 
  3. Everyone will then present the person that they interviewed to others in the class. 

Examples of questions for interviews: 

  • Who has had the biggest impact on you as a person and why?
  • Describe the most ridiculous socks that you own. 
  • What do you think of garden gnomes? 
  • What was the last gift you gave someone? 
  • Describe the purpose of a rubber duck to someone from another planet. 
  • Without the fear of failure, what's one thing you would love to try? 
  • What do you have in your fridge right now? 
  • If someone wrote a biography about you, what do you think the title should be? 
  • If you were a bicycle, what part would you be? 
  • What did you want to be when you were 10 years old? 
  • If you were an animal/a can of soup/some other random object, which one would you be? 
  • How would you describe yourself in three words? 
  • How would you react if you were transformed into a fish? 
  • If you could throw a parade of any caliber through the hallways of Dawson, what type of parade would it be? 
  • What do you think is your greatest accomplishment at this point in your life? 


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Module 1 of 10   1 2 3