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There are 5 simple steps to sharing a class project through SPACE.

Step 1: Let us know as soon as possible!

If you have a class project that you think you might want to share through the SPACE website, you can contact Ursula Sommerer at usommerer@dawsoncollege.qc.ca and SPACE can begin offering support right away.

Step 2: Let students know about the opportunity to publish

When presenting the class project to students, you can explain that you will be selecting the 5-6 strongest pieces and sending them to SPACE for publication on the website.

If you like you can also:

Step 3: Frame project for SPACE website readers

For any class project at Dawson, a teacher writes a description that explains the nature and purpose of the project. For class projects published on the SPACE website, this description is included at the top of the page to help frame the project for readers.

Ideally, the project description is edited slightly for the website to highlight the ways that the project connects to the sciences, technology and society and/or to our annual SPACE theme.

SPACE can support teachers at any time in framing their project description for the website.

Step 4: Select projects for publication

Once students have submitted their final drafts of their projects, teachers typically select 5-6 of the best projects for publication on the SPACE website. Occasionally, however, a project is a whole-class collaboration, and in that case the entire class project is published.

Step 5: Sending projects to SPACE

The last step! The projects can be submitted to SPACE through the submissions portal or by emailing the materials listed below to Ursula Sommerer at usommerer@dawsoncollege.qc.ca.

In addition to the projects themselves, teachers send in:

  • the project description
  • the names, years and programs of the students who created the projects
  • an image to accompany the project (with photo credit) or a link to a copyright-free image that can be used to accompany the project
  • a one-sentence byline that will appear below the splash image for the project. (SPACE can help craft the byline if needed.)

Once the project is published , SPACE will send the teacher the link to the project entry on the SPACE website so they can share it with others in the future.


What if I am thinking about a class project for the SPACE website but am not sure yet?

We are happy to discuss any class project idea anytime! Simply contact Ursula Sommerer at usommerer@dawsoncollege.qc.ca, and she will connect with a SPACE coordinator. If you like she can also add you to the SPACE mailing list so you can stay up to date on upcoming SPACE activities and events.