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January 10, 2024

ScienceFest 2024 Photography Contest

In association with the 10th annual ScienceFest, students from various programs were invited to submit photographs to the 2024 ScienceFest/SPACE Photography contest and explore their interpretations of the theme, Uncertainty? The winning photographs were selected by a panel of expert jury members composed of Nadim Boukhira, veteran physics professor at Dawson College, musician, martial artist and photographer (certified by Dawson’s CTD); Paul Duarte, retired physics professor; and Katarzyna Wolfson, anthropology professor and professional photographer.

The photographs were displayed during SPACEweek which took place from May 6 to May 10. Visitors to the SPACE showcase were encouraged to cast their vote for the Peoples’ Choice award.

First prize was shared by Ana Torres and Alhasan Shnoot for their photograph titled Path, Pendulum, Particles.

Second place was awarded to Julia Bisante for her photograph, A Trick of The Mirror, A Trick of Perception. 

The Peoples' Choice award went to Mira-Mai Bennett whose photograph, Plaster to Dust, received the most votes during SPACEweek.

First Place Winner: Path, Pendulum, Particles by Ana Torres (Pure and Applied Science, 1st Year) and Alhasan Shnoot (Pure and Applied Science, 2nd Year)

Through long exposure photography, we unveil uncertainty's hypnotizing dance. Glow sticks streak through darkness, embodying Heisenberg's principle: speed obscures position. The more you know about its movement the less you know about its position! A swinging pendulum echoes cosmic chaos, revealing the intricate interplay of determinism and randomness. Behind a cloud chamber, a glowing stick evokes quantum ambiguity, where observation alters reality. In these ephemeral moments, we glimpse the cosmic uncertainty that pervades existence. 

Second Place Winner: A Trick of The Mirror, A Trick of Perception by Julia Bisante (Interior Design, 1st Year)

When we look at optical illusions the human mind and eye cannot agree on what’s being perceived. The eyes see infinite space of light and darkness, while the mind knows there are mirrors. When we take the time to perceive what we see from another view, we finally understand the illusion and become certain of what’s in front of us. This is similar to the world outside of illusions; at first glance, it’s often discomforting or unclear. Is it possible to navigate life as we do with illusions? Is a trick of the mirror just like a trick of perception? 

Peoples' Choice Award: Plaster to Dust by Mira-mai Bennett (3D Animation & CGI Program, 3rd Year)

‘Plaster to Dust’ aims to capture the decomposition of human constructs when left to nature.  

The patterns which arise when paint peels, floorboards curve and mirrors shatter are entirely uncertain, as is the future of anything we build, be it physical or ideological. This photograph encapsulates the idea that no matter how destructive time may seem, it can lead to a kind of beauty the human mind alone cannot conjure – for it requires that element of random destruction. 

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