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Stan Douglas: Revealing Narratives Exhibition Talk

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Stan Douglas, Two Friends, 1975, 2012. Digital chromogenic print mounted on Dibond aluminum. Courtesy of the artist, Victoria Miro, and David Zwirner


This activity is part of the SPACE: Arts and Sciences Certificate (2 credits).

Date: Wednesday, April 27th, 2022
Time: 4:00 to 5:15 PM
Location: Room 4C.1

In conjunction with the theme Intersections and the SPACE photography competition, the SPACE team invites you to join a guest lecture by Kim Johnson, educator at the PHI Foundation for Contemporary Art, about the Stan Douglas: Revealing Narratives exhibition. Stan Douglas, an acclaimed Canadian contemporary artist, works with photography, and film and video installation. His work at the PHI Foundation explores themes such as the power of the photographic image, and moments of transition and rupture in history.

For SPACE certificate students who are interested in writing a reflective response about the work for additional credit (2 credits), please contact abeattie@dawsoncollege.qc.ca  for more information.

To reserve your spot please fill out the form below.

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Stan Douglas: Revealing Narratives Exhibition Talk Form

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