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Arduino Workshops

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Note: While open to all, the number of available spots in the workshop is limited. Priority for participation in the workshop will be given to students enrolled in the SPACE certificate. Students who complete the requirements of participation will receive 4 credits towards the certificate (a follow-up short reflection and survey will be required). They may also receive additional credit for further participation post-workshop and/or completion of a capstone project.

Details: Friday, February 2, 2:30-4:30 in Room 7A.2

Workshop Overview

Visual “programming” with Arduino: A gentle introduction to the world of making with Arduino 
2:30-4:30 PM

In this workshop students will be presented with an overview of what Arduino is and things you can make. In an active learning environment through a (very) low code set of visual programming exercises students will learn the basics of electronics for Arduino, then design their own outputs for LED matrix displays. The goal is to demonstrate the ease of getting started making with Arduino and to initiate discussion around potential student projects.

Students may bring laptops to install necessary software for future use, but laptops are not required for participation.

Indicate your interest by filling out the form below. Leave any questions or comments you may have in the "comments" box. 

Preview to a second workshop will be held later in the semester:

Part 2: Arduino for Robotics: Introduction to control with simple mobile robots 

In this workshop students will be presented with an overview of Arduino for robotics. In an active learning environment making use of online resources developed for engineering physics, students will learn about sensors and actuators used for autonomous control of mobile robots. Using virtual resources and physical hardware, at the end of the workshop, participants will be able to implement codes and move physical robots.

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