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By Jade Brisset May 8, 2019

Self Love

Illustrated by Mathew Crescenza

A hot bath is self love

I tell myself as my blood vessels rise

And even pop to the occasion

Finally, some self care


I can barely feel the knots

That my intestines have tied themselves into

Too focused on my breath

Because if I do not focus

I’ll faint


This is self-discipline

To sit in pools of tears and malleable glass

Staying still for hours

Upon hours

Skinning yourself calmly


“How do you do it?” asks the brain







The first hour your skin peels off

You cannot move

Or sneeze

Or think

You just sit

And wince


Hour two you must take your legs out

If you’re lucky, you might just melt your toenails

The doctor will write you a note

“Time off needed for healing, no school for a week”

It reads

As if a week off could heal the toxicity of the best years of your life

Still, reading it we cry of happiness

And pain

It hurts to walk


When the clock strikes three,

You are human soup

Everyone loves soup

But somehow you remain unappetizing

You are still the last pick in gym class


By what feels like the fourth lifetime


You have cooked yourself alive

Your classmates are salivating

Dinner starts at five

About the author

Jade Brisset is a 2nd Year Psychology Student

About the illustrator

Mathew Crescenza is a first year Illustration student.

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    January 26, 2020

    Wow…what an amazing piece; so thought-provoking and carefully crafted. Thank you for creating a beautiful poem that successfully captures a topic that is felt by all. I especially appreciated the use of symbolism that is used in your piece; describing such strong and powerful sentiments through images that represent a greater and deeper idea, such as how “[we] are human soup.” It is clear that each word used in the poem has tremendous meaning; together they create a story that shares a significant message. The ending of the poem truly captures the idea supported by the text and leaves readers further considering such an important issue. Thank you for sharing!

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