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By Romy Surprenant March 9, 2020

Particle Knowledge

Illustrated by Uliana Gilbo

There is a rhythm 
to this existence
A pulse
A beat

It runs through my bones
holds up my flesh
and tells me we are
but waves
Particles of being




I want to bite into its beat
rip apart its knowledge
destroy meaning, divide it
until it cannot be cradled

in numbers, or laid
over my own geometry
spread out helpless 
before my hungry hands

There is a shape 
to this existence
And my eyes do not dare
look away 

About the author

Romy Surprenant is a 2nd year student in Liberal Arts.

About the illustrator

Uliana Gilbo is a 1st year Illustration student.

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    Alexia Boreham

    August 31, 2020

    “I want to bite into its beat
    rip apart its knowledge
    destroy meaning, divide it
    until it cannot be cradled”

    I find that this passage outlines exceptionally well how most people feel when finally finding something they’re passionate for. Not only do they want to learn everything surrounding their interests, but they equally strive to be the most knowledgeable person in their field. Whether it’d be learning a new instrument, or even wanting to look into the newest collection of paint brushes, we can all say that we’ve become obsessed with the idea of knowing all the ins and outs of what we are truly enthusiastic about. This brings me to the fact that we sometimes think there couldn’t possibly be more for us to know than what we already do about certain subjects we’re interested in. And frankly, that’s the beauty of it! The truth is that our knowledge never stops expanding, and that there are simply some things we’ll never know.

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    August 31, 2020

    In the poem Particle Knowledge, by Romy Suprenant, I find that this piece offers meaning yet also questions to our lives.

    “There is a rhythm
    to this existence
    A pulse
    A beat

    I find that this particular passage is referring to the circadian rhythm that humans experience every day of their existence. How everything we do has a certain beat to it, a rhythm. How our hearts beat at a certain pulse, at it’s own rhythm. How we interpret sounds through vibrations.
    This poem describes the question we all wish to know, what are we really? What is our purpose, the meaning of life? This is what the author means by

    “There is a shape
    to this existence
    And my eyes do not dare
    look away.”

    The meaning of our existence is not clear, yet is a question that every being on the planet has asked or still asks itself to this day.

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    August 31, 2020

    There is a shape
    to this existence
    And my eyes do not dare
    look away
    Uliana Gilbo was able to express so many feelings that many of us feel about the unexplainable part of life and the process that the more curious go through to find an explanation. This passage is probably the one that I liked the most, I feel that it expresses how we refuse that somethings can happen without any real cause or logic. Knowledge was always important to humans, always trying to understand or discover something new about their world. While we made a lot of progress in such a short period of time, there is still a lot to discover, so we need stay curious and “not dare to look away” from what we have been searching for so long!

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    August 31, 2020

    Particle Knowledge screams existentialism as it made me question if we, living beings, really exist and why. I think the author did a great job portraying the desire to grasp something we can’t fully understand, by giving existence a tangible body; “a pulse, a beat, vibration”. 

    Humans want to understand everything that surrounds them and feel like they are a part of something with meaning because… Why would we exist then? Fear comes from the unknown so, naturally, knowledge will satisfy our thirst for meaning in our lives.

    “There is a shape
    to this existence

    Giving a shape to existence may be a way to comfort ourselves, make us feel in control of something that goes beyond our knowledge. However, I think that’s the beauty of being alive, knowing we don’t know everything.

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    Nicholas p

    September 1, 2020

    “I want to bite into its beat
    rip apart its knowledge
    destroy meaning, divide it
    until it cannot be cradled”

    The author,Ronny Surprenant expresses what it feels to be human. It outlines how we are particles looking to devour new knowledge. Not only do people consume knowledge, we reshape it to our desire. Whatever it may be we always make it our own and destroy its original meaning. This cycle will always continue because of our hunger hands and thirst for power. This cycle is addicting and simply easy but, that’s the most terrifying part of it. Our knowledge will keep on expanding and undoubtedly there are something we’ll never learn and our eyes will not dare look away from that fear.

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    September 1, 2020

    “It runs through my bones
    holds up my flesh
    and tells me we are
    but waves
    Particles of being

    The human desire to know the nature and structure of the world has history as long as humanity itself. From time immemorial times, all the unknown has inspired and fear us, but in our striving to know the world, we get to know ourselves. Huge galaxies and the entire universe, quantum particles and neurons of the brain are systems consisting of matter and energy. The human mind (consciousness) is one of the most magnificent and most mysterious phenomena. It is possible that through our consciousness the universe explores itself. And it’s fascinatingly scary to participate in this mysterious dance.

    “Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.” Despite the debates on whos words are those (Albert Einstein? Darryl Anka? Bashar? Apocryphal?) I find them corresponding to my perception of the world.

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    September 1, 2020

    “I want to bite into its beat
    rip apart its knowledge
    destroy meaning, divide it
    until it cannot be cradled”

    The author of this poem carried out a good explanation on what it feels like to be human. This particular passage caught my attention because of how raw Gilbo explained it. The idea behind this paragraph is the thirst for knowledge. Knowledge can take on different form. Whether it’s textbook knowledge or just life lessons in general, when we, as individuals, find something that we’re passionate about, we grasp on it. Our curiosity and desire to learn are what differentiate us from animals. Understanding, interpreting and exploring the meaning behind a topic until there is no more to learn from it provides us with a sense of accomplishment. For example, teachers perfect their teaching skills in order to satisfy their students. Once they’ve mastered that skill, that ability cannot be cradled anymore. Therefore, when we’ve perfected a notion, we move on to the next step by shifting our hunger for knowledge somewhere else.

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    September 1, 2020

    “There is a shape
    to this existence
    And my eyes do not dare
    look away”

    This passage acknowledges an interesting question. Do we dare assign a shape to existence; a concept so infinite that we have never had any hope of defining so simply? If we do so, are we limiting ourselves by believing we know enough? Even everything? One can never know enough. And even if we try to assign a name, a shape, an idea to a concept, there will always be more to learn about it. In this way, our “eyes do not dare look away” because there is constantly more to learn.

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    Alexa Amato

    September 2, 2020

    “There is a rhythm
    to this existence
    A pulse
    A beat

        This excerpt really struck with me, as I believe it sums up the whole nature of this poem; how human beings, the universe, and life itself is based off of vibrations, frequencies and energy. I believe this poem really grasps the basic fundamental aspects of the universe and human life, and how we are all inter-connected- how the Universe vibrates at a certain frequency. Also, how our thoughts, emotions, feelings, and subconscious mind let out signals of vibrations to the Universe, and those vibrations are what shape our life. This poem ignited my thoughts on the Law of Attraction and Manifestation. I strongly believe, in this poem, Romy Surprenant explores these phenomena, with expressing the questionable uncertainty that comes along with it – how there is so much more to learn about our existence. Overall, this poem truly expresses how we are simply “Particles of being”, and how, as Nikola Tesla once stated, “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration”.

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    Jeremy Abudarham

    September 2, 2020

    “There is a rhythm
    to this existence
    A pulse
    A beat

    In this passage, I feel like he is trying to give a definition to the world, to our existence and I do not agree with this. I believe that our existence is pure randomness and chaos which just lead to another thing and lead to our existence in the end. Just like Einstein said that God doesn’t play dice with the universe, what he means by that is that the world is all just pure coincidence and that no one really can define it. This is why I disagree with this passage in the story. Maybe I could be biased because I am religious but I believe even science can’t quite yet grasp and explain our existence and purpose.

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