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By Paola Beatriz Lopez Sauri February 25, 2019

Homage to my Stretch Marks

Illustrated by Mathias Lessard


these stretch marks are


they dance around my legs,

stepping from side

to side.


these stretch marks are

the rivers of my body;

they stream

up and down and

all around my curves.


these stretch marks are

the fingerprints of my legs;

they are inimitable,


just for me.






these stretch marks are

the proof that I have lived;

they remind me

that I learned to love

what I was taught to hate.


these stretch marks are

uninvited wedding crashers;

they have grown on me

in more ways than one

and they keep me company

when nobody else will.


these stretch marks are me

and I am them –

we are one and the same.

About the author

Paola Beatriz López Sauri is a second year Literature student at Dawson College. She aspires to become a book author and editor.

About the illustrator

Mathias Lessard is a first year Illustration student.

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