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Frank Mulvey   April 25, 2013

The Human Body Exhibition

From April 25 to May 9, 2013,  S.P.A.C.E. presents The Human Body Exhibition in the Warren G. Flowers Art Gallery of Dawson College, based on the 2012/2013 SPACE theme.   Check out the exhibition catalogue by clicking the green "enter the exhibit" button above!  There will also be links to videos and music posted here soon.

Students, faculty, staff and alumni all contributed to this fascinating exhibition by means of an online submission form.  Next year, another theme accompanied by another exhibition project will be created for anybody to participate in.  Stay tuned.

(Read more about the Human Body theme here, and see examples of work submitted for last year's exhibition here.)  

People’s view of the human body varies across disciplines, cultures, ideologies, time and from one individual to another. It is hoped that this exhibition will engage, challenge, enlighten and inspire contributors and participants alike from across the disciplines to expand their perception and understanding of the human body.  The exhibition and related events outside of the exhibition space are open to submissions of texts (poems, prose, documentation, observations), documentary video, performance (including dance, mime, theatre), mechanisms, plans, speculations, artwork of any medium, diagrams, mechanisms, scientific material and many other forms of participation.

The Poster above is designed by Catherine Moleski, Graphic Design graduate. It was adapted from an original illustration by 3rd year Illustration & Design student David Hoult.


Related Exhibition Multimedia

Beverly Sing’s Classical Music Class 345-BWA-03: a complementary course in the Arts & Aesthetics I category (Humanities & Liberal Arts)
“Rondo à la Musica humana,” 2013
Duration: 5 minutes, 47 seconds

The Rondo à la Musica humana is an experiential composition that broadens traditional definitions of music. It comprises diverse tapestries of non-verbal body sounds (clapping, stomping, whistling, etc.) that convey the harmonies of the human body and spirit — not only to the performers but also to the open-minded listener. If, as the French philosopher Maurice Merleau-Ponty maintains, “the body is our general medium for having a world,” then the music of the body is one means of interpreting it.

Text by Beverly Sing, instructor: Classical Music 345-BWA-03 (Winter 2013)

Listen here: http://soundcloud.com/dawson-space/rondo-musica-humana-2013

Trevor Bourke, Mellissa Frédérique & Sandrine L’Ériger, Zynor Majeed, Annie Hunting, Angel Gabriel Galindo, Beatrice Scharf-Pierzchala (Cinema and Communications). Overseen by Kim Simard (Cinema and Communications).
“The Mind-Body Experiment,” 2013
Video series
Various durations

Students in Experimental Film & Video have compiled video projects they have created that study the way in which our minds perceive the body. After having been exposed to early surrealist cinematic works by Man Ray, Salvador Dali & Luis Bunuel, Maya Darren as well as the 1960s and 80s lyrical filmmaker Sergei Parajonov, student artists explore the body in its many possi- ble abstractions, juxtapositions, fragmentations, and illusionary representations. Many of these pieces are examples of surrealism filtered through a contemporary lens. They blur boundaries between sexuality, sensorial connections with our thoughts and subjective perceptions of the body.

Text by Kim Simard, instructor.

Watch here: https://vimeo.com/64557210

SPACE in conjunction with the Theatre Department
Videography and editing by Emilie Trudeau
Appearances by theatre students Jean Michel Chartier and Geneviève Fleurant, theatre teacher Steve Lecky, and theatre students in Steve Lecky's 1rst and 3rd year classes.
“The Human Body: Instrument and Mirror (The Body on Stage),” 2013
Duration: 7 minutes

For an actor, their body, including their voice, is their instrument. For the audience, the movements of the actors are also a mirror. When we think of a memorable moment in a play or film—a moment in which we recognize something essential about human beings in general and about ourselves in particular—it is often an actor’s precise posture or gesture or inflection that delivers that moment.
In The Human Body: Instrument and Mirror (The Body on Stage), S.P.A.C.E. interviews and observes students and faculty in the Dawson Theatre Department, exploring their unique perspectives and insights on the human body.

Watch here: http://space.dawsoncollege.qc.ca/content/video/the_human_body_instrument_and_mirror_the_body_on_stage

Lise-Hélène Larin
Faculty, Fine Arts

"Euphobia", 2000-2013
3D animation
Duration 3:25 minutes

Dans ce film, c'est le corps morcelé qui se meut et s'émeut dans la machine; un senti- ment éprouvé devient une sensation à être éprouvée... Le corps y est, non parce qu'il est représenté comme objet, mais par les sensa- tions évoquées et provoquées qui le transfor- ment. Le rythme pulsé des images évoque la respiration et instaure la continuité entre des fragments de corps tentant de se rejoindre indéfiniment. La lumière venant du fond de l'écran donne un effet (in)défini ‘d'impression’ corporelle. Comme le disait si bien Valéry: “La sensation, c'est ce qui se transmet directement, en évitant le détour ou l'ennui d'une histoire à raconter.”

The video, Euphobie, opens sensation and breath as the grounds for grasping the body : the body itself is not present, but feeling, sentiment and images shown in unique lighting help present an imprint of the felt body.

Watch here: http://www.lisehelenelarin.com/portfolio.html (click on Euphobie under Nouveaux médias)


Grand Opening photos from April 25, 2013 by Thomas Trnka, photography student at Dawson College

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