Spread the Net is a UNICEF run campaign to help fight the spread of malaria.
Each $10 donation buys a net for a child in Sub-Saharan Africa and you can truly make a difference. Just think about it: $10 can buy a couple of music downloads or a trip to the movies. Or it can help to save lives.
This year the DSU will be part in the Spread the Net Student Challenge and we NEED YOUR HELP! In March (date TBA), the DSU will be hosting a 1-day fast for the cause, which will include a sleepover at Conrod’s, plenty of movie screenings in Oliver’s, as well as a final celebration feast. Participants will be asked to collect pledges and sponsors. The event should be loads of fun and if you are interested in participating or have any other fundraising ideas contact DSU VP Finance, Ariel Charney, at
finance@mydsu.ca or just drop by her office at 2F.2
The top fundraising college will also win a visit from Spread the Net co-founder, Rick Mercer! How cool is that?!
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