This lecture, presented within the framework of the complementary course “Classical Music” (Arts & Aesthetics I), deals with the moving catalyst in music and the elements of arrangement choreography uses to translate this into movement in three-dimensional space.
“Classical Music” is a complementary course that combines music appreciation with music history in a multi-disciplinary context. A major theme of the course focuses on the role classical music plays when integrated into other arts, such as film, painting, and dance.
The course is taught by Beverly Sing, a musicologist on the faculty of the Liberal Arts Program and the Humanities Department at Dawson College.
Born in Oslo, Norway, Petter Toth-Horgosi started dance at the Vienna State Opera House. During his career, he danced with such companies as the Dance Theatre of Harlem, Cleveland Ballet, Pennsylvania Ballet, Milwaukee Ballet, Les Grands Ballets Canadiens de Montreal, and Ballet Lombardia (Milan), performing numerous principal roles, as well as making many guest and gala appearances around the world. He is an award winning choreographer and teacher, having taught and choreographed in Europe, Canada, and the USA. In addition to teaching numerous workshops and master classes, he has been a judge at many competitions.
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