Note: a reflective response about the visit counts for 3 credits towards the SPACE certificate.
Students who attended the Coded Dreams immersive AI exhibition are invited to share reflections.
Reflecting on the Coded Dreams Exhibition
Though there is no official word count limit aim that written reflections be bewteen 250-750 words.
To carry out a reflection, select from any of the options below. The immersive Coded Dreams exhibition invites you to explore the frontiers of artificial intelligence (AI) and engage in shaping imaginative narratives.
Option 1. Choose one or combine any of the following questions or prompts.
Option 2. Creative reflection
Create a photo, drawing, video or other piece of visual media interpreting anything related to the exhibition.
Option 3. Open-ended reflection
Write a reflection of your own choice. For example, you could write about an aspect of the exhibition that you’d like to learn more about.