Deadline to apply: Friday, February 26, 2010

Please sign in and use the form at the bottom of this page to apply.

The SPACE Talks are an exciting innovation in this year’s conference. Alone or in groups, you are invited to prepare a maximum 20-minute presentation (including time for audience response and questions) that engages the audience about any subject related to the Senses. 

For examples of short, stimulating talks on the Senses, you can check out the TED talks below. However, SPACE Talks can be in any format of your choice: a power-point presentation, a stand-up comedy routine, a play, a home-made movie, a song, poetry, hip-hop verse–whatever you think will best tap into your talents and provoke people to think about the Senses.

Because the choice of format is so open, the kind of application you submit is open as well. The job of your application, whether in writing or otherwise, is to convince the selection board–made up of Dawson student alumni and faculty advisors–that your presentation will be dynamic, engaging, stimulating, clear, focused, and will leave your peers thinking about the Senses in a fresh way. 

We will be able to accept a total of 5-6 presentations; therefore, the application process for these presentations will be competitive. If you are not able to be accepted for this venue, we will encourage you to reframe your work for the Project Fair. The SPACE talks will take place in the Multi-Purpose Room (5B.16), in front of a seated audience.
TED talk links:
On the Science, and Art, of Scent:
On the Vision-Bending Art of Comic Books:
A unique approach to presenting a SPACE talk: