Work in SPACE!
Write. Edit. Make films. Photograph. Organize activities. Experiment. Meet new people.
Want to be published in SPACE? To be read by your peers, teachers, and people around the world?
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SPACE Submissions

Want to be published in SPACE? To be read by your peers, teachers, and people around the world? Whether you?re a Dawson student, teacher, support staff or anyone from outside the college, SPACE invites you to share your passions and explorations with others. We publish content from between and across almost every academic and creative discipline, through articles, interviews, podcasts, blogs, reviews, virtual art galleries, creative work, top-five lists, your favorite quotes, and more.

We welcome proposals for pieces as well as completed work. We are also always looking for regular staff writers as well as one-time or occasional contributors. Whatever your level of interest as a contributor, we?d like to hear from you.

SPACE?s intended audience is a general one. Therefore, pieces should be written or made in a way that would interest even someone outside your field of interest. Before submitting to SPACE, we recommend you read about SPACE and peruse the site, to understand our goals and the kind of content we?re looking for.

Updated information about submissions procedures and proposals coming soon.

Event and Activity Submissions

SPACE holds regular social events, from film screenings to book discussions to informal get-togethers. We also go out to public lectures, to museums, to movies, and more. Look in the Archives to see what’s been happening in SPACE.

To upload your suggestions for future event promotion to SPACE you need to log in as a member. It takes 1 minute to sign up. Members can upload their suggestions by filling in the form that appears below.