“Every object, well-contemplated, opens a new organ within us.”

SPACE invites you to explore and discuss issues that fascinate you from the perspective of any and every Dawson program. Each year we also initiate a college-wide, interdisciplinary conversation around a common theme.

This year's theme is Exploring Knowledge Through the Senses.

This theme will be a central feature of our webzine (i.e. web magazine) and of many of our ongoing events. It will also be the focus of our Interdisciplinary Conference, which will be held throughout the day on Wednesday, April 7, 2010.

The conference will feature exciting, open-format student presentations, a distinguished keynote speaker, a project fair, food, raffle prizes, and ideas that will keep you thinking long after the day is done. Here is the day at a glance:

Registration, Welcome Package and Raffle-Ticket Pick-Up
9:15 - 12:15

Opening Remarks
Student SPACE Talks on the Senses

12:15 - 1:00 Break
1:00 - 2:30
New Theatre
David Acer, Keynote Speaker on the Senses
2:30 - 5:00
ArtSci Project Fair, Food, Prizes, and Closing Remarks

The conference is a way for students to hear from and converse with their peers from disciplines across the college around a common theme, as well as to hear from a professional out there in the world for whom this theme has practical relevance.

Whether or not you’ve ever presented at a conference or attended one before, this is an amazing opportunity to explore a fascinating topic from both within and outside your field of study. We encourage all interested students to apply to present and/or to attend. Classes will be held as usual during the conference, so if you have class conflicts with any aspects of the conference, please approach your teachers well in advance to find out if alternative arrangements can be made for catching up on the work done and taught that day.

We look forward to you joining us for a day of provocative thought, great conversation, prizes, food, and fun. Come on out and see what people are exploring and discovering... in SPACE.